Saturday, March 29, 2008

Food Network

The Food Network is almost like eating. All those stupid close-ups of beef stock make you feel like you're actually cooking. If I can't eat the homemade ice cream with toffee sauce, at least I can watch how it's done.

On a much less cynical note (really!) I am officially down 15 pounds! It's really hard to step back and appreciate how much I have accomplished thus far. After I hit my first plateau, I was really scared that I wasn't going to be able to lose anymore. Then I spoke to the nutritionist at my gym who basically told me I was eating crap, needed to lose a couple of "layers," and that 8 sessions with her would fix all that at a very reasonable sum of $495. So, discouraging. But now that I've hit -15, a safe distance away from -10, I know that this can keep working. I've noticed a difference in how my body looks, even without the help of a measuring tape. And even if I didn't lose any more weight (sob) I at least know I am much healthier than I was 2 months ago. I can work out harder and longer than I used to be able to, I make better food choices, and dagnabit, I feel better about myself.

Aside from all that self-love, I'm having a few friends over for dinner who haven't seen me in a few months. I'm hoping they notice. (15 pounds is 3 sacks of sugar, they better notice!)

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